One-on-One with Tony Robbins

On most of my podcasts, I drive the bus: asking questions and gathering insights from thought leaders. But Tony Robbins is a different story. He’s the bus driver on this week’s podcast. As always, he’s full of insights and ideas. I hope you enjoy his questions to me — I sure did!

Boone – You call yourself one of the luckiest guys on earth. Why is that? For starters, when it came time for me to be born, my mother couldn’t deliver me. To make matters worse, the doctor in my hometown had never performed a cesarean. So my dad had to talk the surgeon into delivering me by cesarean. And he had to use a medical manual to complete the C-section. How’s that for lucky?

How else have you been lucky? Since I turned 70, I’ve paid more than $700 million in taxes. Most people wouldn’t consider that good luck, but it says a lot about my productivity. I’ve done pretty good in my retirement years, haven’t I?

You’ve actually given away more money than your worth today, haven’t you? That’s right. I’m proud of the fact that I’ve given away a billion dollars. A lot of it went to medical research. A lot went to my alma mater, Oklahoma State. I feel like I got my money’s worth.

How is your Pickens Plan doing? I feel like we have been successful. Did we get all the legislation we want passed? No. But are the American people better informed? Definitely. We were spending a lot of money on foreign oil importing 7 million barrels of Middle Eastern oil. Now we’re down to about 1 million barrels.

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